
Back End Of Eccomerce Shop


This is a back end for an e-commerce website built with the latest technologies, allowing the company to compete with other e-commerce companies. The application uses Express.js API, Sequelize, and MySQL2 to connect to a database and retrieve data for categories, products, and tags. The project includes schema and seed commands to create and populate a development database with test data.


To install and run on your local machine, follow these steps:

  • Clone this repository to your local machine
  • Install the necessary dependencies

npm init

npm install mysql2

npm install sequelize

npm install dotenv

Run the Application

mysql -u root -p

Enter PW when promted

source db/schema.sql


npm run seed

npm start

Code Snippets

GET ROUTE for Tags

This route is using the Express Router to define a GET route that retrieves a single tag by its ID, and includes associated products. It first calls the Sequelize findOne() method with the ID parameter from the request. It then includes the associated model Product and specifies which attributes to retrieve for it. The retrieved data is returned in JSON format using res.json(). If an error occurs, it logs the error to the console and returns a 500 status code with the error in JSON format using res.status(500).json().

router.get('/:id', (req, res) => {
    where: {
      id: req.params.id
    include: {
      model: Product,
      attributes: ['product_name', 'price', 'stock', 'category_id']
    .then(dbTagData => res.json(dbTagData))
    .catch(err => {

DELETE Route For Category

This is a route in an Express.js API that handles a DELETE request for a category resource. When a client makes a DELETE request to the specified endpoint, the server will attempt to delete a category with the ID specified in the request parameters.

First, the Category model's destroy() method is called with an object that specifies the ID of the category to be deleted. If the deletion is successful, the response will be a JSON object containing information about the deleted category.

If there is no category with the specified ID, the server will respond with a 404 status code and a JSON object containing an error message. If there is a server error during the deletion process, the server will respond with a 500 status code and a JSON object containing the error message.

router.delete('/:id', (req, res) => {
  // delete a category by its `id` value
    where: {
      id: req.params.id
    .then(dbCategoryData => {
      if (!dbCategoryData) {
        res.status(404).json({ message: 'No category found with this id' });
    .catch(err => {